Friday, March 30, 2012


It's time to start rounding up great donations now for the Fifth Annual VGSR Golf Tournament and Auction. We need everyone's help for an auction that will present a great selection of "must buy" items for our guests.  Suggestions include artwork, jewelry, antiques, collectibles, wine and wine tastings, brewery products, time-share offerings, vacation home stays, tickets for major sporting or theatrical events, concert tickets, golf clubs and other golf accessories, dog beds and dog themed baskets, collars and leads, restaurant gift certificates, store gift cards, home tours and park passes - be creative!!  Consider an item you would like and donate it or find a donor!! 

Previous auctions have been a great success thanks to the generosity of our volunteers, friends and corporate sponsors.  You have the opportunity to help us help our beloved dogs by donating now!

We look forward to hearing from you.  Auction Donation Forms are available under Important Documents on the right of this posting.  Questions?  We'd love to hear from you -  either as a comment on the blog or email:


  1. EACH AND EVERY VOLUNTEER can be a "winner" in the auction!! Big winners are the many dogs that benefit when you donate an item; help work the event; bid and win wonderful items for yourself or gift-giving occasions. This is a "can do" for all of us....

  2. Just visited the wine country in Paso Robles and Russian River Valley. Happy to donate a basket of fine wines for this event. Sharon Swan

    1. And we have our first auction donation! Thank you so much, Sharon.
